Actividades anexas al transporte
Productos y servicios
a) La gestión y administración de valores representativos de los fondos propios de sociedades y otras entidades, sean éstas residentes o no en territorio español, la inversión en sociedades y otras entidades, sean éstas residentes o no en territorio español,.
Actividades anexas al transporte marítimo y por vías navegables interiores
Transporte marítimo de mercancías
Actividades anexas al transporte marítimo y por vías navegables interiores
Transporte marítimo de mercancías
Service activities incidental to water transportation
Sea and coastal freight water transport
The company is engaged in the provision of point-to-point container shipping services. It conducts its business from its registered head office located in Pozuelo de Alarcon, Spain. It was established in the year 1984. The company also offers value-added logistics services, such as freight management and supply chain management services. In addition, it offers customs house brokerage services, including customs clearance, bonded warehousing, commodity classification, customs freight simplified procedures bureau facility, inward processing relief, outward processing relief, and duty management reporting services. The company offices in Valencia, Algeciras, Barcelona, Bilbao, Seville, Vigo, Las Palmas and Madrid. It also has regular services from Alicante, Cartagena, Lanzarote, La Palma, Malaga, Ceuta and Melilla.