Actividades auxiliares a los servicios financieros, excepto seguros y fondos de pensiones
Productos y servicios
Alquiler y compra-venta de inmuebles principalmente locales.
Actividades de intermediación en operaciones con valores y otros activos
Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
Actividades de intermediación en operaciones con valores y otros activos
Actividades de las sociedades holding
Security and commodity contracts brokerage
Renting and operating of own or leased real estate
The privately held company is engaged in the provision of financial support services. It has its registered head office located in Pozuelo de Alarcon, Spain. The company is primarily involved in underwriting, originating, and maintaining markets for issues of securities. It acts as principals in firm commitment transactions or acts as agent in best effort and standby commitments. In addition, the company acts as principals in buying or selling securities generally on a spread basis. It principally conducts its business operations within the country.