Fabricación de otra maquinaria de uso general
Productos y servicios
Fabricación de máquinas recreativas
Fabricación de otra maquinaria de uso general n.c.o.p.
Actividades de juegos de azar y apuestas
Fabricación de otra maquinaria de uso general ncop
Fabricación de juegos y juguetes
Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.
Gambling and betting activities
The company is engaged in the development, manufacture and controlling the operation of Bingo machines and other gaming machines in Spain and abroad. It was founded in 2007 and conducts its business from its registered head office located in Abrera. The company is recognized as a leader in Bingo games. It manufactures, develops and controls the operation of special machines and electronic Bingos for halls, guaranteeing customized service to each client and permanent technical service to troubleshoot any problem or consultation and solve incidences. The company also offers other games such as Lucky Monkey, Jeerynstein, Caperucita Roja, el Chavo 8, Paraiso, and Power Mania Black Bonus.